Sweden - best place on earth

Sweden is ranked as number 10 in the latest Country Brand index. Future Brand have examined the worlds countries in thirty categories. In addition to the top list Sweden ranks as number one in category "standard of living(1) and environmentalism (1).

Sweden is also on the top list when it comes to political freedom (3), safety (4), advanced technology (4),  families (6), most likely to live in (6), friendly locals (7) extend a business trip (7), ease of travel (8), conferences (10), quality products (10)

Environmentalism is described like this "With a comprehensive plan for an "Environmental Sweden", the country's policy for ecologically sustainable development endevors to solve all major environmental problems for the next generation"

Standard of living as this: "With forward-thinking  privatized pensions, low inflation and one of the highest rates of GDP per hour worked, Sweden is a world leader in living standards"


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