A new eventpark to Stockholm

Photo: David Longstreath
The former Gröna Lund owners, the Lindgren family, and the suburb Botkyrka have joined forces in order to build a large eventpark in Hågelbyparken some 10 kilometers south of the City Centre. The amusement park will include a story park - Park Fantasia, a water park, an iron age village, a edutainmenthouse, a large concert and festival area and a magical familyhotel and other accommodations for up to 3000 guests. The Lindgren family and Botkyrka municipality will now continue with the plans. The construction plans will hopefully start 2009/2010.

The beautiful woodland cemetary


Visited the beautiful Woodland Cemetary (Skogskyrkogården) today and was once again amazed by its beauty and the thought put in all the details - no wonder its on the UNESCO World Heritage list. There have been guided tours every Sunday at 13.00 during the summer which has been very popular. This will hopefully continue to develop.

Did you know that the 183 bus takes you from Skogskyrkogården underground station around the cemetary stoping at all the chapels and back to the Underground station? The bus departures only on weekends twice every hour, first tours starting at 1040 and then 1110 and so on until 1515. The bus tour takes 15 minutes and makes 12 stops on it's way. Heres a map of the Woodland Cemetary and how to get here.

International authors invited


Picture: Kil.se 

?Internationell författarscen? is a popular and yearly event where the City of Stockholm invites international authors to hold a lecture in Kulturhuset. This autumn authors from Finland, France, Pakistan/England, Germany, Hungary, USA and Southafrica will visit Stockholm. Among them the Nobel Prize winner in 2002 Imre Kertész. 
Mikko Rimminen, Finland (Tuesday Oct 2)
Michel Onfray, France (Thursday Oct 4)
Moshin Hamid, Pakistan/England (Thursday Oct 18)
Daniel Kehlmann, Germany (Thursday Oct 25)
Imre Kertész, Hungary/Germany (Thursday Nov 1)
Richard Ford, USA (Saturday Nov 10)

Zakes Mda, South Africa/USA (Thursday Nov 22)

Secret island is turning into Swedish West Indies

Picture: Gustavia, St:Barth
A small island by Rosendalsvägen, Djurgården is turning into S:t Barhélemy in the West Indies. The reason for this is to introduce the unknown history of Swedish colonisation in the West Indies between 1784-1878. A replica of a house in the capital city of S:t Barth is being built on the small Djurgården Island. The exhibition including speeches etc on Sjöhistoriska Museet will be open for free from August 4 until August 31 between 11.00-17.00.

ABBA museum location will be Tullhuset

A hundred-year-old custom warehouse, on the south quay of central Stockholm, will become an ABBA museum. At the turn of the year the renovation of the building will start and in the spring of 2009. Stockholm?s new attraction will open its doors, easily accessible by foot, bus or ferry from central Stockholm. ABBA the Museum will also house an event hall, a café and the world?s biggest ABBA shop.

Foodwalks in Stockholm

The company Matkaravan (food caravan) organizes guided walks through food halls and food stores in Stockholm. They specializes in food from other countries than Sweden, though. There are plenty of places to shop for Indian, Malaysian, thai etc.

4D Cinema opened at Tekniska museet

Cino4, Sweden's first 4D cinema, has now opened. See film with all your senses and fly with us in a totally different way. In cino4 the chairs are moving, you get watersplashed, smell things and feels the breeze. Tickets costs 60 kronor for adults and  30 kronor for children.

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