Soft adventures in Stockholm

Combine kayak or walking with comfortable beds and a nice dinner. Stockholm Adventures is a new company focusing on so called soft adventures, outdoor activities and comfort, perfect for a city break. Here are some of the packages:

SeaKayaking with luxury for both beginners and experienced paddlers includes two days of seakayaking, all equipment, comfortable accommodation, experienced guide and full board. This part of the archipelago is made up of a labyrinth of islands that are just ideal for exploration by kayak. The accommodation for this trip is in comfortable double rooms on one of the small outermost islands just at the water´s edge.

2 days hike with luxury includes full board, comfortable accommodation at a B&B and a map . Its  a perfect way for a couple or some friends to explore a part of the hiking tour Sörmlandsleden and enjoy a nice dinner in a comfortable environment. You reach the startingpoint from the communterstation Handen, just some 20 minutes from the central station.

6-hour hike at Tyresta National Park includes lunch and hikeguide.  Wild country on the edge of the city. Tyresta National Park is the nearest National Park to the capital city. In parts of Tyresta the forest is a rugged forest full of giant trees and There are desolate small moors, dramatic cliffs and clear forest lakes. However, the forest is also of cultural interest and contains traces of those who lived here tens of thousands of years ago.


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